Season Subscription Update
All Subscriptions from the 2020-21 Season (MainStage and Theater for Youth) have been rolled over to the upcoming 2021-22 Season. If you haven’t received your tickets, please contact us at 713-524-6706 or by email at boxoffice@mainstreettheater.com.
MAINSTAGE: We are now taking renewals for the 2021-22 MainStage Season. If you were a subscriber for the 2019-20 Season, please use the links below to renew. You can also add Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley at the same time! We will start accepting new subscriptions for the 21-22 Season on May 10th.
If you have your 21-22 subscription, but still need to add Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley, you can also do that with the link provided below To ask further questions about your subscription, please contact the box office at 713-524-6706, or by email at boxoffice@mainstreettheater.com.
THEATER FOR YOUTH: 2021-22 Subscribers rolled over from the 20-21 Season still can update their subscription by clicking the link below. If you need to change your productions, or have other questions, please contact the box office at 713-524-6706, or by email at boxoffice@mainstreettheater.com.
New subscribers can purchase a Theater for Youth subscription HERE!