For 49 years, Main Street Theater has been a magnet for Houston’s most creative theater artists.
We have built a large and loyal audience of curious and intelligent people hungry for theater that takes them beyond the ordinary. We have introduced over a million school-age children to the thrill of a live performance and shown countless more young people how rewarding creating their own live theater can be.
Due to the quality and success of Main Street Theater’s (MST) programming and its popularity with theater-lovers, teachers, students, children, and families, our ticket sales, class tuition, and fundraising from special events make up about 70% of our income. For the remaining 30%, MST relies upon the generosity of people like you, giving us the necessary support to create and grow our ambitious productions and inspiring educational programs.
We’d like to thank all our donors. We are grateful for all your support.
For more information on how you can become an MST Donor please contact Shannon Emerick at 713-524-3622 or shannon@mainstreettheater.com and ask how you too can support MST.
Exciting benefits for the 2024-25 Season!
$100 – PATRON
- Donor recognition in Production playbills
$250 – FRIEND
- Two complimentary drink coupons for the MainStage Bar
- Donor recognition in Production playbills
- Four complimentary drink coupons for the MainStage Bar
- Donor recognition in Production playbills
Additional benefits below for major supporters of $1,000 or more (The Flying Man Society) and Theater for Youth Family supporters (Page to Stage Superstars).
Main Street Theater is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your gift is fully tax deductible. Support local, professional theater with a gift today. Legacy and monthly sustaining gifts are also welcome.
When making your donation, you will have the opportunity to note how you would like your name listed, and the name of your honoree.
In the early days of Main Street Theater, the “Flying Man”, taken from a poster design for T.S. Eliot’s The Elder Statesman, served as an icon of our theater. The figure represents the company’s desire to break “out of the ordinary,” and embodies our gratitude for your generosity!
Current membership into The Flying Man society is based on an annual contribution of $1,000 or more.
- Four complimentary drink coupons for the MainStage Bar
- Two complimentary passes to a MainStage production
- VIP Concierge Ticketing Service
- Invitation to an exclusive season preview party
- Donor recognition in Production playbills
$2,500 – PARTNER
- Four complimentary passes to a MainStage production
- All Benefactor benefits
- Six complimentary passes to a MainStage production
- Special recognition as a Production Partner, including printed materials (deadline dependent), curtain speech, and on the website page for the production
- All Partner benefits
$10,000 – ANGEL
- Eight complimentary guest passes to a MainStage production
- Private pre or post-performance reception for you and your guests
- All Production Partner benefits, including special recognition as a Production Angel
$15,000 – SPONSOR
- Ten complimentary guest passes to a MainStage production
- All Angel benefits, including special recognition as a Production Sponsor
- Your choice of:
Private pre or post-performance reception for you and your guests
Private dinner with artists from your sponsored production
- All Sponsor benefits, including special recognition as a Production Underwriter
- VIP Private Preview Performance of your production before Opening Night (based on availability)
$50,000 – GUARANTOR
- All Underwriter benefits, including special recognition as a Production Guarantor
- Your choice of:
VIP Private Performance of your production during the run (based on availability)
Recognition as MainStage or Theater for Youth Season Sponsor
Join the Flying Man Society by donating online below or email shannon@mainstreettheater.com.
As a Page to Stage Superstar, your child has the opportunity to be a part of Main Street Theater in a special way. With your contribution of $125 or more, your Page to Stage Superstars receive exclusive benefits.
- Special recognition for one child as a Page to Stage Superstar
- An autographed poster at each production you attend
- Special recognition for two children as Page to Stage Superstars
- An autographed poster at each production you attend (one for each child)
- Invitation to an ice cream social (up to four family members)
$500 – HERO
- Special recognition for four children as Page to Stage Superstars
- An autographed poster at each production you attend (one for each child)
- Invitation to an ice cream social (up to six family members)
- A coupon worth $10 to use at the Theater for Youth merchandise stand (one for each child)
Join Page to Stage Superstars by donating online below or email shannon@mainstreettheater.com. When making your contribution, be sure to include the names of the child or children you’d like listed.
Become a Main Street Theater Reveler by making a monthly sustaining gift.
Become a Main Street Theater Reveler by making a monthly sustaining gift today! Your generous monthly contribution helps Main Street Theater provide innovative artistic and educational services to communities across Houston during these challenging and uncertain times.
In addition to the exclusive benefits you receive with your donation, when you make a monthly sustaining gift of $10 or more, we’ll send you this one-of-a-kind Main Street Theater Reveler pin as a thank you for your support.
Join the Revelers by donating online below or email shannon@mainstreettheater.com.
Partnering with Main Street Theater raises your company profile while helping off-set the costs of producing theater by underwriting the individual productions or Education and Outreach programs:
- Education Department scholarships: Your donation will help guarantee any child regardless of financial status can attend our classes and camps.
- Curtains Up Fund: MST’s Curtains Up Fund was instituted over a decade ago. Most schools can only afford one field trip per season, and Title I schools sometimes cannot afford a field trip at all. Additionally, many Title I and other disadvantaged schools have had to eliminate fine and performing arts programming from their curricula altogether. Through our Curtains Up Fund, we provide all of our Title I and other underserved schools students with a substantial discount off the already modest ticket price to our Theater for Youth. If a school needs a greater discount or even free tickets in order to attend, we make it possible. Approximately 40,000 underserved school students see a play with a free or discounted ticket at Main Street Theater every season. Your contribution will enable underserved students to enjoy live theater.
For information on Corporate Sponsorships, please contact shannon@mainstreettheater.com.
Many Title I and other disadvantaged schools have had to eliminate fine and performing arts programming from their curricula altogether. Through our Curtains Up Fund, Main Street Theater provides all of our Title I and other underserved schools students with a substantial discount off the already modest ticket price to our school matinees.
If a school needs a greater discount or even free tickets in order to attend, we make it possible. Approximately 40,000 underserved school students see a play with a free or discounted ticket at Main Street Theater every season. We are grateful to our community partners for their support of the Curtains Up Fund. To learn how you can help support the Fund, please email shannon@mainstreettheater.com.
Become a Volunteer
One of the best ways to support Main Street Theater is to become a volunteer. There are many ways to help out at MST. During the week volunteers can help with mailings, answering phones and folding programs.
The most popular way to volunteer is to usher for one of our productions. Ushers help take tickets, seat patrons, stuff and hand out programs. And the best part is, ushers can see the show for free! If you would like to volunteer to usher, please contact Andrew Ruthven at aruthven@mainstreettheater.com.
To view our most recent 990, please visit GuideStar.org