Accommodations Report – MATCH Accommodations Report – MATCH Show InformationProduction Name(Required)Performance Date(Required) Month Day Year Performance Time Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM AccommodationWhat type of Accommodations Performance was this?--- Select Performance Type ---Sensory Friendly/RelaxedAudio DescriptiveASL InterpretedSensory Friendly/Relaxed PerformanceDid anyone use Sensory Toys? Yes No If yes, which were the most popular?Was the Quiet Room used? Yes No If yes, by how many?Was the Quiet Room divider set up? Yes No Were any other items checked out?Such as headphones or ear plugs. Yes No If yes, which items:Audio DescriptiveDid anyone utilize the Audio Descriptive equipment? Yes No Performance ManagerPerfomancer Manager(Required)Performance Manager Email(Required) Who was the helper?Do you have any notes?